World of Soap
This is your life!

A. ORIGIN: Paranormal
These are the spirits of the dead who have remained on earth due to unfinished business or a curse. They are hidden behind The Veil (the other side) and can mostly be seen by mediums (witches) who have the ability to open the gate to the veil but they can also manifest themselves temporarily to others.
What is the Veil?
The Veil is a magical barrier separating the physical world from the Other Side and other spiritual dimensions.
Temperamental, Emotional
Within the veil, some creatures have existed since before our universe was even formed, so their appearance varies greatly. One thing that remains constant, however, is their ethereal appearance and otherworldly glow. More recently deceased maintain the appearance they had from when they were alive.
Interaction: They can interact with a person or an object in the physical realm. Each physical interaction drains them of energy as they have to cross the veil. Overuse of this energy can render the entity paralized for a few hours.
Bind to object: A ghost is able to possess an object for 24 hours with the help of a medium. The possessed object can be freely used and interacted with by the ghost for the duration.
Bind to corpse: A recently deceased corpse can be possessed by a ghost with the help of a medium. The process is quite draining for both the medium and the spirit. The effect lasts until ended willfully or if the corpse is destroyed or exorcised. The corpse retains all of its muscle memories and physical attributes until it begins to rot.
Physical manifestation: They can appear freely to anyone during special dates such as Halloween or celestial events such as a full moon when the veil is weakened. Showing themselves to a human on a normal date can only last a few seconds. Witches can see them at any time with the with the use of magic.
Purified salt: Causes damage to a ghost’s manifestation. It won't have the energy to re-appear.
Concentrated UV light: The radiation from UV light breaks apart the energy a ghost is comprised of and can even stop them from interacting physically with anything in the affected area.
Exorcism: With the right ritual a ghost can be ejected from an object or corpse he had possessed.
Sage: The use of smudging sticks can prevent a ghost from entering a home.
Sex may be possible during a full physical manifestation or while bound to a corpse. Pregnancy is not possible besides phantom ones (psychological)
Supernaturals generally coexist with humans due to their shared origins and appearances. Their existence remains a myth by most of humanity which makes it easier for them to commingle with their human cohorts without detection. Most avoid exposure to the public because of the past prejudices that have led to the hunt of their species. Attitudes towards other supernaturals vary from individual to individual. It is really your character's personal history that can determine what kind of relationship it wants to have with other races.
Revised Dec 2019