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Roleplay Guidelines

All players are required to read and follow these guidelines along with the sim rules and Linden Labs terms of service.

Repeated violations could result in a temporary suspension, ejection and/or permanent banishment from all WoS sims.



  • We are a text based ROLEPLAY sim. Not a combat sim nor a sex sim.

  • All players must be +18 RL to play.

  • Wearing a WoS tag is MANDATORY to interact. Any other tag is considered OOC.

  • If you do not posses a sense of humor, go back the way you came from or so help me!

  • TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) is not an excuse for breaking our rules.   

A. Basic Rules


  1. Wear Tag - When 'In Character' wear a roleplay tag to differentiate you from those not playing. Any other tag not related to WoS will be considered ((out of character)).

  2. Follow the theme - Even though role-play on our sims is optional, the theme, age, and lore of the town must be followed when"in character". Playable characters are limited to the races listed on this website. Any other race not in the lore is considered "out of character" and is not to be interacted with.

  3. Keep OOC separate: A lot of things are said and done 'in character' that may seem offensive or insulting but remember that we are NOT our characters and what it's said in a scene is not to be taken at heart as it doesn't necessarily reflect the player's real personality or feelings towards you. DO NOT MIX THE TWO.

  4. Don't be a Nazi - Keep elitist attitudes out of WoS. Our role-play is optional, mostly unsupervised, and sometimes humorous. We cater to players of all levels of experience, languages, and styles so learn to play along and keep your egos in check. We are all here to have fun and no one likes a bully.







B. Posting Protocol


  1. Emoting - When emoting an action use either ** or /me.                                                                                               Example: /me waves to John Doe. or *waves to John Doe.*

  2. Dialog -  When speaking in dialog please refer to using "", so that the recipient is aware that you're speaking.  Example: "Hello there John Doe!"

  3. Out of Character - When speaking "out of character" use (( )). Keep it short, if you need to say something of length, refer to using an IMs.                                                                                                                                                   Example: ((Hey, is it my turn to post?))

  4.  Take Turns - When there's more than one character, take turns to post and be realistic in your attempt-type descriptions.  Be patient while others have their chance to post in their turn, not everyone can type as fast. 

  5. Para-posting - Most role-play scenes require at least a single paragraph per post (2 or more sentences). They need to be descriptive enough to set the mood of the scene and show what the character is doing in vivid detail but on occasions when there are a lot of people in a scene, shorter posts are acceptable (1 complete sentence).







C. Gaming Etiquette


  1. No God Modding: God Mod is basically creating a character that can't ever be defeated, and is more powerful than anything in the universe. It can also be controlling another player's character. Which should be avoided without explicit permission. Remember if your character gets 'killed off' in a storyline you don't have to remove the character completely unless you were playing for permanent death of whoever lost.                                            Example: /me John Doe avoids the bullets from the cops and shoots lasers from his eyes killing all instantly.

  2. No Meta Gaming - The act of using information that the character shouldn't have knowledge of IC and was gained by "out of character" means such as reading tags or using other (( out of character )) conversations.             Example: Do not call a character by the display name if he never told you what their name was in conversation.

  3. No PowergamingIs a term describing players who are interested in only winning or maximizing progress towards a specific goal, to the exclusion of other considerations such as storytelling, atmosphere, and camaraderie.




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