World of Soap
This is your life!
Sim Rules
All visitors are required to read and follow these rules along with the Linden Labs terms of service (ToS).
Repeated violations could result in a temporary suspension, ejection, and/or permanent banishment from all WoS sims.
We are a RESIDENTIAL ESTATE with public areas to hang out and explore. Not a combat sim or a sex sim.
Roleplay in our sims is free-form, consent-based, and unmoderated.
PHOTOGRAPHY and videography are allowed but do not trespass on rented properties.
If you do not possess a sense of humor, go back the way you came from or so help me!
TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) is not an excuse for breaking our rules.
A. Code of Conduct
No Griefing - Maliciously orbiting, pushing, trapping, shooting, lagging, freezing, or any other disruptive attack against another person or the sim itself without consent is prohibited. Report the incident to a staff member.
Be Respectful - Use common decency when interacting with others. Try to avoid the use of derogatory language based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. Remember that these are real people, with real feelings behind the screen and we are all here to have fun. IMPORTANT: Staff won't get involved in relationship drama between its residents or visitors. You have a mute button for a reason!
No sexual age play - Roleplay of sexual nature between adult avatars and minors is strictly prohibited!
Keep it moderate - Nudity and sex are to be kept behind closed doors and between consenting adults.
No Trespassing - Do not trespass into private rentals without authorization from their resident. Sit hacking to go beyond locked doors is prohibited! Report to a staff member.
No Spamming - The unsolicited distribution of landmarks, notecards, or any other advertising material to other players on the sim, without admin approval is prohibited. This includes messages in IMs, local and group chats.
B. Rezzing Objects
Props - Everyone is allowed to rez items temporarily for roleplay or photos but be mindful of sim's prim limits.
No Littering - Do not leave large quantities of random prims scattered around the sim. Clean after yourself.
Vehicles - All vehicles are allowed to be rezzed and driven but you must pick up your vehicle when leaving the sim. Vehicles left without an owner nearby or driven erratically will be returned.
Weapons - All weapons are allowed as long as they are not used to grief others or lag the sim.
Fires - We use the HD fire system. All fires must be small and contained. Sim wide fires are considered griefing and need approval from the staff. Make sure to put them out or delete after finishing a scene.
Explosives - Large explosions [with a range of more than 10m] are not allowed without admin approval.
Sandbox - Everyone is welcome to use the WoS sandbox located in Soap sim. To access it, visit the Lucky Motel in Missing Mile and click the door in the lobby. There is a 3-hour auto-return set on all public spaces.