World of Soap
This is your life!
Infected Human (zombies)
A. ORIGIN: Plague-bearing
Scientists introduced in 1970 a virus that was supposed to become the latest advance in viral warfare. It was nicknamed "the Romero" because the effect was similar to those of the characters in a George A. Romero movie that came out a few years earlier (1968) but as they were transporting the virus to a new facility in Washington DC, one of the plane's engines malfunctioned and crashed in the small town of Missing Mile N.C. thus spreading the virus to the locals.
A few months after the devastating accident, scientists developed the AR-Serum (anti-Romero). A drug that temporarily controlled the symptoms of its victims. Those infected had to inject the serum into their bloodstream every 3 hours or the virus would slowly take over, making them violent and their body starts to decompose. Sadly for some, the serum arrived too late and the more critical cases have taken residence in the sewers where they are constantly hunted by those brave enough to wander in the tunnels.
In the 80's a new form of the serum was introduced. They could now inhale it in its gas form continuously from gas masks and live a somewhat normal life as long as it didn't run out. The serum is supplied at the Virtue Memorial Clinic in Missing Mile.
Racial Traits: Hungry, lethargic, twitchy
Those that recently come in contact with infected blood or are bitten by the infected have only 1 hour to reach the nearest clinic and inject the serum before becoming permanently afflicted. If taken care of in time, there is no need for more doses of the serum.
2018 UPDATE: The AR serum is now available as a vape liquid in Virtue Memorial.
So beware of vapers or anyone wearing a gas mask. They could be contagious!
Dry scabby skin, sores on some parts that never seem to heal. seemingly normal when using the serum. Usually seen wearing gas masks and a lot of needle marks in their body. sometimes confused as a junkie.
Pain Suppression: While on the serum, zombies are incapable of feeling pain or highly resistant to the physical pain of any kind, allowing them to think clearly and continue to move despite a grievous injury. Users can think clearly, continue to move, ignore torture and generally function in situations where the pain would disable a normal person.
- Is not be able to turn their ability "off".
- Not feeling pain may leave the user ignorant of crippling injuries, which may disable them without them even knowing why.
- The user's body may increase and destabilize their emotional output.
- Unable to feel pain may also sport as a weakness as it will make user overconfident.
Bravery: The infected are capable of suppressing their fear and drawing upon superhuman reserves of courage and/or fearlessness allowing them to act/react normally in dangerous situations like combat, rescue operations, etc
Apathy: Infected can suppress or negate emotions in themselves or do not possess emotions at all, allowing them to ignore emotional distractions, suffering from psychological/emotional stress, and/or feeling from affecting their thinking-processes.In some cases, the user is simply unable to feel emotions of any kind. In other words "out of fucks" to give.
They turn feral if not medicated with the serum. This state is irreversible.
They can be killed if the head is removed or the brain is destroyed.
Wounds never seem to close properly or take a long time to heal. They are prone to infections.
They have very low energy levels and can be easily overpowered.
F. FOOD: While on the serum they can eat normal food and lots of it! they prefer meat and are always hungry. Off the serum, they become feral and crave the taste of human flesh.
All bodily fluids of the infected are contagious to humans, animals, and witches. An infected can have sex but cannot procreate. Vampires and Werewolves are immune to the virus, the body burns out the infection.
Supernaturals generally coexist with humans due to their shared origins and appearances. Their existence remains a myth by most of humanity which makes it easier for them to commingle with their human cohorts without detection. Most avoid exposure to the public because of the past prejudices that have led to the hunt of their species. Attitudes towards other supernaturals vary from individual to individual. It is really your character's personal history that can determine what kind of relationship it wants to have with other races.
Revised Dic 2019